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 Ready to be moved up?

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Posts : 36
Join date : 2008-02-28
Location : NJ

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PostSubject: Ready to be moved up?   Ready to be moved up? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 28, 2008 4:44 pm

If you think you are ready to move up a rank (beginner, inter, vet) then simply contact an admin or mod. Please start all topics in the Beginner's city, no matter what rank you are on other sites or what you think you are. We will move you up when we feel you are ready. Like stated before, if you're 100% positive, contact an admin, such as myself, with a link to your thread.

Here is the current list of people you can contact. PM them if you find any errors, want to report a user for spamming, advertising, etc, or if your confused and you need help.


Thanks And Enjoy!

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