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 Stupid Mistake.

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2 posters

Posts : 58
Join date : 2008-02-28
Age : 29
Location : My house....are you really that stupid?

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PostSubject: Stupid Mistake.   Stupid Mistake. Icon_minitimeFri Mar 28, 2008 3:40 pm

Ok on youtube I did a very big accident in which my account was deleted.
The new account is ------>KidTakeshi <------ on youtube. If you weren't on my friends list before and would like to be on it follow the same link. Thank you.

Explanation-I was thinking for a bit time now of deleting the PacJack527 account since it has nothing to do with Pacman. But I planned to delete VoltageWolf550, before I did so. I was being a idiot and forgot to log out of PacJack527, so I deleted my account. But I've been in the mood for a new start so I'm just going to send messages and friend requests on youtube to become friends again because of my stupidity. -_- So thank you.

P.S-For proof Im going to repost all my videos.
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Posts : 25
Join date : 2008-03-03
Age : 29
Location : Singapore>with joe eating cookies too>suki sushi>Team-Takeshi forum

Stupid Mistake. Empty
PostSubject: KEWL   Stupid Mistake. Icon_minitimeSat May 24, 2008 9:32 pm

Kewl speech also im working on a new animation and for the past few months(more like decades to me woot)ive been training on the tutorials and i think i got the ridgid thing abbit alright,ill be posting it on the test lab...
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Stupid Mistake.
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