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 JOE's Basic Pivot Tutorial

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Join date : 2008-02-28
Location : in ur kitchen eating ur cookies

JOE's Basic Pivot Tutorial Empty
PostSubject: JOE's Basic Pivot Tutorial   JOE's Basic Pivot Tutorial Icon_minitimeThu Feb 28, 2008 8:48 pm

Alright, this tutorial is basically everything you need to start pivot animation.

I. What's Pivot?
This is a frame-by-frame animation software made by PeterBone, the newest versions are pivot 2.2.5 and pivot 3 (which has a good amount of bugs in it, i wouldnt use it till most of them are fixed).
pivot 2.2.5
pivot 3 Beta

II. Using Pivot
Pivot can be a little confusing at first, but once you use it for a while, it's easy. Here's how to use it:
1. Actions
-Play: plays the animation. you can change the speed with the scrolling bar to its right.
-Stop: stops the animation from playing.
-Repeat: keeps the animation playing in a loop.
-Add figure: this allows you to add the figure that is selected above to the screen. You can make new stiks, or download them from the internet.
-Delete: removes the selected stik from the screen.
-Center: moves the selected stik to the center of the screen.
-Coulour: allows you to change the color of the selected stik.
-Front/Back: moves the selected stik in front or behind all other stiks. (layering)
-Size bar: allows you to change the size of the selected stik, default size is 100.
-Flip: flips the selected figure to face in the opposite direction.
-EDIT: allows you to edit the selected stik, i'll explain that later.
-Next frame: adds the current frame to the animation, or changes a previous frame if you went back to it and changed it.
-Options (top): allows you to change the size of the animation screen.

TO BE CONTINUED (a.k.a. i have homework)
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